Sarah's backstory is filled with layers of trauma, violence, and growth. She navigates a world of abuse and manipulation...
Her journey is one of survival and self-discovery, marked by significant hardships and resilience.
This is a comfort character; the whole idea of her was to remind myself that nothing is perfect and people are pretty the way they are... If this makes you feel uncomfortable, this isn't the character you want to be looking at.
Sarah Jackson is a complex character with a deep background in fantasy lore. She is a hybrid of angelic and demonic ancestry...
Raised in wealth and privilege, Sarah Jackson appears compliant but harbors a fiercely independent and adventurous spirit...
Sarah's backstory is filled with layers of trauma, violence, and growth. She navigates a world of abuse and manipulation...
Her journey is one of survival and self-discovery, marked by significant hardships and resilience.
Sarah's relationships are defined by loyalty and care for those she trusts...